Electric Daisy Stylocoeniella, WYSIWYG Coral
1st few photos are of the WYSIWYG coral on a standard 3/4" Alternative Reef frag plug. The last photo is an example of a grown-out piece or colony it originated from.
This Stylcoeniella from World Wide Corals named "Electric Daisy" is one of the more colorful variants found in the hobby, with a fuchsia body and incredibly fluorescent neon green polyps. As the name implies, it looks like there's an EDM concert going on with all of these bright neon colors. World Wide Corals originally attained this piece in 2017 from a wholesaler and split it with Jason Fox Corals, before releasing their first frag in 2019.
Stylocoeniellas are among some of our favorite corals to keep. Stylocoeniellas are very special corals that you do not see often in the